A Message to VP Kamala Harris

Dear Vice President Harris,

I write to you as a Christian, deeply concerned with some of the recent policies and perspectives promoted on issues such as abortion and gender identity. While I acknowledge the complex nature of these topics and the pain many people face in their personal struggles, I must express my conviction based on the truths found in the Holy Scriptures.

The sanctity of life is a foundational principle within the Christian faith. From the very beginning, God made it clear that human life is precious and sacred. As it is written, “For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb” (Psalm 139:13, LSB). Life, in all its stages, is a gift from God, and we are called to protect and cherish it.

It is important to understand that a woman does not have the freedom to do whatever she wants with her body. While society often emphasizes personal autonomy, Scripture teaches that our bodies ultimately belong to the Creator. As the Apostle Paul writes, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own” (1 Corinthians 6:19, LSB). Our bodies are entrusted to us by God, and we are called to honor Him with how we use them. This divine ownership means that we must align our actions, especially those involving life and death, with God’s will and purpose.

The act of abortion, therefore, is not merely a personal choice but a moral decision that involves the Creator’s design for life. The decision to end a life is a serious matter that transgresses the trust God has given us over our bodies and the bodies of those He forms within the womb.

Similarly, the issue of gender and identity is not simply a matter of individual choice. According to the biblical understanding, “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” (Genesis 1:27, LSB). This creation is purposeful, and altering it challenges the Creator’s design. Our identity is not solely a personal construct but a reflection of God’s created order.

In the spirit of truth and love, I urge you to consider these biblical principles that have guided the moral compass of countless generations. As Christians, we are called to love and support those facing difficult situations and struggles. However, genuine love does not mean affirming decisions that contradict God’s ordained order and the sanctity of life. Rather, it involves guiding others toward a path of truth, healing, and restoration.

I pray that you, as a leader in this great nation, will uphold the sanctity of life and honor the natural order established by our Creator. May you be granted wisdom and discernment to lead with righteousness and compassion.


Hegumen Abraam Sleman

#SanctityOfLife #DivineCreation #LifeIsASacredGift #GodsDesign #LifeInGodsHands #BiblicalTruth #LifeWithPurpose #DivineOwnership #HonorTheCreator #BodyAsATemple


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