The Throne of God (Rev. 4:1–11)
The Throne of God (Rev. 4:1–11) The New Testament records two people who ascended to heaven in visions, Saul and John. In (2 Cor. 12), The apostle Paul wrote of being caught up to the third heaven and heard inexpressible words (2 Cor. 12:4). However, he could not speak of what he saw there. The apostle John also had the privilege of visiting heaven. Unlike Paul, John could describe his vision in figurative language, which he did in chapters 4 and 5 of Revelation. After John saw “the One like the Son of Man” (Rev. 1:9–20), received the seven-letter to the angels of the churches (Rev. 2 and 3), He saw God’s throne (Rev. 4:1-11). The Bible refers to “heaven” more than five hundred times. In addition, Paul and Ezekiel wrote some detailed descriptions of it (2 Cor. 12; Ezek. 1). Yet, the description of heaven in Revelation chapters 4 and 5 is the most complete and informative in all of Scripture. Circumstances of the Vision 4:1 After these things I looked, and behold,...