
Showing posts from October 5, 2024

Christ for the Jews: Chapter 3 - Jesus and the Covenant with Israel

The concept of covenant is foundational to understanding God’s relationship with Israel. Throughout the Hebrew Scriptures, God makes binding promises to His people, from the covenant with Abraham, through which Israel would be established as a great nation, to the covenant with Moses at Mount Sinai, which gave Israel the Torah, the moral and legal framework by which the people would live. Central to the Jewish faith is the belief that these covenants reflect God’s ongoing commitment to Israel and His promises of blessing, protection, and redemption. In this chapter, we will explore how Jesus’ mission is understood within the context of these sacred covenants. Jesus came not to abolish or replace the covenants but to fulfill them, particularly by bringing about the New Covenant foretold by the prophets. This chapter will examine the covenants God made with Israel and how Jesus’ life and teachings align with God’s promises to His people. The invitation here is to consider how Jesus, as

Christ for the Jews: Chapter 2 - The Prophecies of the Messiah

The expectation of a Messiah is deeply rooted in the Hebrew Scriptures, forming a central part of the Jewish hope for redemption, justice, and the ultimate restoration of Israel. For centuries, Jews have looked to the promises made by the prophets, eagerly awaiting the one who would fulfill the covenants and usher in a reign of peace and righteousness. Within this sacred narrative lies the belief that Jesus of Nazareth is the long-awaited Messiah foretold in the תַּנַ"ךְ Tanakh (Old Testament). This chapter will explore key Messianic prophecies found in the Hebrew Scriptures and how Jesus fulfills these ancient promises. While interpretations of these prophecies differ between Judaism and Christianity, this chapter invites you to revisit the Scriptures and consider how Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection align with the Messianic expectations of Israel. The goal here is to offer a thoughtful, respectful exploration of the belief that Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s promise to H