A Message to President-Elect Trump

Dear President-Elect Trump,

We thank God for His protection over you, especially during the recent assassination attempt, and for His guidance during these times. Congratulations on your election victory and the renewed trust the American people have placed in you.

As you prepare to lead our great nation, I respectfully encourage you to stand firm on the principles of biblical truth, especially on issues such as the sanctity of life, the God-given nature of gender, and the sacredness of marriage. In a world that often drifts from these values, I hope that your administration will be a beacon for preserving the unchanging principles that God has established.

Furthermore, I urge you to consider empowering parents in their right to educate their children according to their beliefs. Supporting families in choosing educational paths outside of government institutions—perhaps through financial support or tax benefits—would uphold parental authority and strengthen our nation’s commitment to freedom and faith.

Lastly, I pray there might be a ceremony to anoint you with holy oil, as is done in the coronation of Christian monarchs, to affirm your role under God’s blessing and guidance. Such an act would be a profound witness to your commitment to lead with humility, integrity, and divine wisdom.
May God guide you with strength and courage as you lead the United States forward.

With prayers and blessings,

Fr. Abraam Sleman

#PresidentElectTrump, #CongratulationsTrump, #AmericanLeadership, #BiblicalValues, #SanctityOfLife, #GodGivenGender, #SacredMarriage, #ParentalRights, #EducationalFreedom, #FaithAndFamily, #DivineGuidance, #HolyAnointing, #PrayerForLeaders, #BlessedLeadership, #FrAbraamSleman


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