Monologue to the Father in the Resurrection Feast


Heavenly Father,

In the quiet sanctuary of my heart, I come before You with a spirit steeped in gratitude, overwhelmed by the magnitude of Your love—a love so profound that it pierced the veil of death and manifested gloriously in the resurrection of Your Son, our Savior, Lord Jesus Christ. My words falter in expressing the depth of my thankfulness, yet with joy, and I attempt to articulate the wonder of Your grace.

Father, You orchestrated the symphony of salvation with perfect precision, knowing that each note of Lord Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection was necessary to compose the masterpiece of our redemption. In His resurrection, the stone was rolled away, not just from the tomb but also from our hearts, unveiling the path to a restored relationship with You. How immense is this gift, this unmerited favor! You raised Lord Jesus from the dead, declaring with power that no sin is too great, no darkness too deep, and no death too final for Your reach.

Because of Lord Jesus, I stand justified before You—not through my merit, but through the righteous blood of Christ that speaks better things than that of Abel. It speaks of mercy, not judgment; of inclusion, not separation; of life, not death. In Him, I am a new creation; the old things have passed away. Behold, the new things have come! This truth resounds like a joyful echo in the chambers of my soul, renewing me day by day.

In the resurrection, You did not merely revive Your Son; You breathed life into the very concept of hope, into the covenant of grace under which we now joyously live. This New Covenant, sealed by the Holy Spirit, guarantees our inheritance and writes Your law of love upon the fleshy tablets of our hearts. We are Yours, and You are ours, forever intertwined by the cords of eternal life.

How can I refrain from singing and declaring Your praises when the evidence of Your goodness is so vividly alive in me? Let my life be a continual thanksgiving, a living testimony to the power of the resurrection. As I navigate the ebb and flow of earthly challenges, let the reality of the empty tomb be the compass that guides me, the assurance of victory over every trial.

Thank You, Father, for the indescribable gift of Your Son, for the righteousness that He imparts to us, and for the Spirit that empowers us. May I live every day conscious of this profound truth, walking in the freedom and victory that the resurrection ensures. May my life be a sweet fragrance, an offering acceptable and pleasing to You.

In Lord Jesus’ most precious name, I pray,


Fr Abraam Sleman


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