Heart of the Shephard: Introduction - Under Print

Character and Life of the New Testament Priest


Priesthood is a sacred and profound calling, requiring a life of dedication, personal holiness, and self-sacrifice. From the moment of ordination, the priest enters into a unique and transformative relationship with Christ, the Good Shepherd, who laid down His life for His sheep (John 10:11). This book, Heart of the Shepherd: Character and Life of the New Testament Priest, explores the depth of this calling, grounded in Scripture, the wisdom of the Church Fathers, and the Church’s liturgical tradition.

At the center of the priest’s ministry is a reflection of God the Father’s love. As Christ revealed the Father’s love and care in His earthly ministry (John 14:9-10), so too the priest embodies and reflects this love in his ministry. The priest’s role is one of spiritual fatherhood, caring for the souls entrusted to him with the same compassion and dedication that Christ demonstrated. Through the sacraments, preaching, and pastoral care, the priest stands as an intercessor, shepherding God's people with fatherly love. His ministry reflects the very nature of God the Father, who, through Christ, calls all people into communion with Him (John 17:21).

St. Paul captured this spiritual fatherhood when he said, “For though you have countless guides in Christ, you do not have many fathers; for I became your father in Christ Jesus through the Gospel” (1 Corinthians 4:15). In the same way, the priest nurtures the faithful, leading them deeper into communion with the Father, reflecting Christ’s ministry in the Church, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Throughout my years of service, I have witnessed the profound impact of the priesthood on the lives of both priests and their communities. Priests embody the Father’s love through their compassion, wisdom, and humility while also facing the immense challenges of spiritual warfare, personal sacrifice, and pastoral care. In all these struggles, they participate in Christ’s mission to reveal the love of God the Father to His children (John 17:6). The priest’s life is one of ongoing transformation as he seeks to conform more fully to the image of Christ (Romans 8:29), embracing the grace and joy that come from serving the Lord.

When the priest stands at the holy altar, he offers not only the sacrifice of Christ but also his own life as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1) and a drink offering (2 Timothy 4:6), embodying the fatherly love of God in service to His people. His role as a spiritual father, guiding the faithful in holiness, reflects God's fatherly love as he nurtures, protects, and shepherds the souls entrusted to him (1 Peter 5:2-3).

This book is written as a reflection on the sacred nature of the priesthood, offering insights into the spiritual character, responsibilities, and life of the New Testament priest. Each chapter delves into key aspects of the priest’s role, starting with his sacred calling and character formation, progressing through the centrality of teaching, preaching, and the Eucharist, and concluding with the legacy a priest leaves in his community. In every aspect of his ministry, the priest reflects God’s fatherly love, guiding the faithful with compassion, patience, and wisdom.

The structure of the book emphasizes that the priest is not alone in his mission. He is part of the larger body of Christ, the Church, and his ministry is intimately connected to the Church’s mission of salvation. The priest, in communion with the bishop and the entire Church, fosters unity and guides the faithful in truth and holiness, serving as a spiritual father to his community (Ephesians 4:3).

In writing this book, I have drawn from the rich treasures of Scripture, the teachings of the Church Fathers, and my own humble experiences as a priest. The examples of holy priests who have influenced me over the years have profoundly shaped my understanding of this sacred ministry. My goal is to offer priests a deeper appreciation of their calling, grounded in the Church’s rich tradition, while providing theological insights and practical guidance for their daily ministry.

As you read this book, I hope you will be inspired by the holy Scriptures, the wisdom of the Church Fathers, and the beauty of the liturgy, all of which reveal the dignity and responsibility of the priestly ministry. The priest is called to be a living icon of Christ and a reflection of the Father’s love, leading the faithful with humility, sacrifice, and tenderness.

St. Gregory of Nazianzus eloquently captured the essence of the priesthood when he wrote: “The priest is set apart for the service of God, to stand before the altar, to offer the prayers of the Church, and to lead the people in holiness. His life is not his own, for he has been consecrated to God, and through his ministry, the grace of Christ flows to the world” (Oration 2, On the Priesthood).

I dedicate this book to all the priests who have faithfully answered the call to serve Christ and His Church. Your sacrifices, love, and unwavering dedication to the Gospel are a testament to the living presence of Christ and the Father’s love in the world today. May this book be a source of encouragement, inspiration, and renewal as you continue to carry out the mission of the Good Shepherd.

To those reading this book—whether you are a priest, seminarian, or layperson—I invite you to enter into the heart of the priest’s calling. My prayer is that these pages will deepen your appreciation of the sacred role of the priesthood and its profound impact on the Church and the world.

May the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, continue to guide and strengthen all who serve Him, and may His love and the Father’s care be the source of all that we do.

Hegumen Abraam Sleman



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